Thursday, September 23, 2010

An Experience to Last a Lifetime

There is only so much you can give a customer. While you would like to give them the world, it seems as though your product and service can only hold so much, before the functionality is eroded or the value plateaus. Take for instance the iPhone, it can handle music, videos, applications; it can make calls, read emails, log onto the Internet; it can access directions, store contacts, be a calculator etc. The list seems to go on and on, but does it? Would we really want an iPhone that could brush our teeth, and tie our shoelaces? Maybe some people would, but at what cost to the user? It obviously wouldn’t be small and compact anymore, and the cost would skyrocket to accommodate these new functions. So where does this leave us as a company?

Marketing. No really! The truth is, marketing can turn a business around. In this particular situation, instead of tacking on more functionality, marketers could increase the value of the iPhone through experiences.

Experiences are considered to be personal to a customer and sometimes even complex. They connect a customer to some product or service in a way that only they can understand and value. But it is through these experiences that a customer begins to form a positive perception of our product and leads them to make repeat purchases. Therefore, as a marketer, we should do everything in our power to enhance these experiences thereby increasing the lifetime values of our customers.

I recently had a sensory experience that was unlike any other I have ever felt, seen, smelled, heard, or touched. It is this experience that epitomizes for me the “Sense” aspect of the Strategic Experiential Model, and is what I would most like to share for this week’s blog.
Let me start by saying, I have never bought art before. While I am mesmerized by art, it has always been a luxury that does not quite fit into my college budget. However, earlier this summer I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Europe. Throughout this trip I had the fortune of stopping in several of the world’s most renowned art museums (the Louvre, Musee de Orsay, Musei Vaticani, etc.) and I believe it is because of this that my mind was especially in tune with art as I woke up on the morning we went to Montmartre, France.

Montmarte is probably best known for housing the stunning Sacre Coeur Cathedral. So as we approached this historic church, I was unprepared for the scene that was about to unfold. All of a sudden, a local musician sat down next to a harp outside the cathedral and began to play the most beautiful music I’d ever heard. (It’s not very often you get to hear a harp in Austin, Texas) Not only was the music heavenly, but as you turn to look out from the top of this hill, you see the skyline of Paris in a way that cannot be described in words. Breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. But it only got better. As my two girlfriends and I walked past the cathedral and down a nearby street, we realized that the local farmers were setting up stands everywhere for a Nature Festival. We stopped along the way and picked up crepes, coffee, and fresh strawberries with cream. I don’t know if it was because it was free, because it was fresh and organic, or if it was because of the moment itself, but I have to say, that food was blissful! So as we continue walking we pass local artisans who are selling other organic products, some of which are candles. Aromas from these candles filled the air as we passed the Parisians’ stands. Rose petals, Jasmine, cherry blossoms, and vanilla were just a few of my favorites. Finally we came to the end of the street where local artists were painting EVERYWHERE. The rich colors they were using were astounding. All different styles of paintings were being made using oils, watercolors, charcoal, etc. I could not believe my eyes.

As I sat there trying to take everything in, a local artist name Jacques pulled me aside. He had been working on a landscaping piece that was filled with warm reds and oranges. The painting was beautiful. He sat me down and let me touch his art. The bumps and dips of his dried oils created a 3-D image of the Paris skyline. I was captivated. I asked him if he could make me one, and he agreed. As I sat there watching him paint, my friends found his “Box of Art” beside his easel and started going through his collection. These paintings depicted specific sites throughout Paris in much brighter colors. Maybe it was the music, or the candles’ mesmerizing fragrances, maybe it was the way the paint felt under my fingers, or the taste of sweet strawberries still lingering on my tongue, or maybe it was because Jacques had been so charming, but between the three of us, we purchased his entire collection.

Looking back on this moment, I do not regret a single thing. While my bank account was significantly less full, to me, this experience was priceless. And while Jacques would probably call himself an artist by trade, I think he would also make a great marketer. He could have been painting on a street corner, in the park beneath the Eiffel Tower, or outside one of the museums, but instead, Jacques was painting in an environment that touched on peoples’ five senses.  People may say I paid too much or that he was exploiting the fact that I was a tourist, but I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life. I only hope that someday I can create an experience so powerful as this for the customers I someday market to.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meet Katie!

This week in Customer Insights we talked about building personas to help companies enhance their segmentation practices. This method can help analyze a target audience’s motivations, perceptions, and behaviors, so that the company can optimize its overall brand design. So what is a persona? I have to cheat a bit; my professor mentioned that there was a good definition of personas on Wikipedia:

“Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types within a targeted demographic, attitude and/or behavior set that might use a site, brand or product in a similar way.”

So this week I have been asked to develop a persona for myself that market researchers may be interested to delve into. Ideally, the information from this persona would provide them insights valuable to their brand development. Therefore, without further ado…

Meet Katie!!!

On the broadest level Katie can be described as a single woman who is 21 years old with no children. She also does not own any pets, although she has always wanted puppies. She is currently attending the University of Texas and is a marketing major with an MIS minor. She is one of the few native Austinites at the university, and is ready to break away from her hometown even though she loves the Austin atmosphere.

She is entering into her final year of college and does not have to worry about financing her schooling because her parents are generously paying the bills. However, she is money conscious having worked since she was 16, and has money saved up for her post-graduation plans. While she did not grow up in a rewards-based household, every now and then Katie will splurge and treat herself to a new outfit or nice dinner if she’s accomplished an objective. She is goal oriented and a high achiever in all aspects of her life. Well, except for athleticism. While Katie enjoys being active and works out regularly, she is a bit of a klutz. Never excelling in sports growing up, Katie still enjoys playing sand volleyball and tennis each week with friends.

Katie is a good student but is currently more apt to dedicating her time to friends than keeping up with homework. This may be because she is currently going through a “why not?” phase when it comes to doing things. She figures that because this is the last time she can live with virtually no responsibility, she should make the most of it. If her friends want to get together on a Monday night for movie and a glass of wine, she thinks, “why not?” She wants to experience as many new things in her college town as possible before she moves away for her career.

Speaking of careers, did I mention she’s stressed? While at first she thinks the exhaustion is due to the staying out late with friends, she begins to realize that stress is taking a physical toll on her body. She frequently gets less than 5 hours of sleep each night either because her mind won’t stop racing when she is trying to fall asleep, or she is awoken from a nightmare about jobs. She is, however, doing her due diligence in prepping for the next stage of her life. She has many interviews lined up with a wide variety of companies, but is beginning to find it hard to keep everything straight. Her planner is her true best friend right now, which details every hour of her day. Whether she is searching through online career services, reading case interview prep books, or researching a company she’s interested in, her life is consumed by work “stuff.” In fact, she finds that she can’t go a single day without bringing up recruiting and post-graduation plans in conversations.

When Katie isn’t around friends, searching for a job, or studying for a class, you could find her watching a movie at home. She loves movies, especially comedies, action films, and horror movies. Katie also loves to read, but has started 3 new books in the past two months and hasn’t finished a single one yet. Katie is borderline obsessive about food. She loves to cook and bake and would someday like to learn how to grill, too. Her favorite foods are the worst kinds because she has a major sweet tooth. She also loves cheeses, especially when paired with fresh fruit and a glass of wine. She likes to try new foods and the only kind she hasn’t liked thus far is Jell-O. She tries new recipes a lot, and will typically modify them to either fit the ingredients in her kitchen or the mood she’s in. She’s also very health-conscious, so she enjoys cooking recipes that are good for her. In fact, most weeks, a third of her meals will be salads. Katie also enjoys going out to new restaurants to try different styles of food or different cultural flavors.

Finally, Katie is very family-oriented. While she left for college worried her mother would be the type to call her multiple times a day, it’s Katie who finds herself calling home. She enjoys keeping her parents and brother updated with her life and loves to hear about what is going on theirs. In her mind, nothing can beat her mom’s home cooked meals when she comes back every few weekends. However, her brother did just leave for college for the first time, and Katie is now finding it harder to keep in touch with him.